Feeling instant pain on one side of your face is called Trigeminal neuralgia. When trigeminal nerves present on the side head handle interruptions in their functioning, it seems like an electric shock and gives people more severe pain. It would help if you immediately opted for the Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment in Ludhiana while experiencing this condition. Its brutal attack may sometimes lead to the shape of your face and turn into an abnormal shape. Additionally, the Neurologist in Ludhiana explains that you can also be trapped in its clutch while having minor pain in your teeth, doing simple makeup on your face, consuming hard candies, etcetera. Therefore, you must be aware of this condition and take the advice of a nervous system expert.
Furthermore, masses are more likely to have spinal cord injuries that may cause severe pain in their backbone. If you deal with unexpected pain in your backbone, contact the best spine doctor in Ludhiana.
What causes the problem of Trigeminal neuralgia?
Researchers are doing ongoing research to find the particular cause of trigeminal neuralgia, but still, they do not reach any substantial evidence that states the reason behind trigeminal neuralgia. Besides this, some nervous system experts believe that it happens due to unwanted pressure or other irritation in your trigeminal nerve and shows in the form of pain on your single side of the face.
Apart from this, The trigeminal nerve is a set of cranial nerves that comes from the brain and spreads out in the entire face. These three different nerves combine to supply the sensations and mucous membranes to the front.
The ophthalmic nerve controls the sensations in the eyebrows, forehead, and eyes.
The work of the maxillary nerve is to handle sense in the lower eyelid, nose, and cheeks.
The primary function of the mandibular nerve is to control sensation in the lips, lower part of the face, and jaw.
What are the symptoms of Trigeminal neuralgia?
Experience shooting or jabbing pain
Pain focused in one spot or spread in the broader pattern
Constant aching or burning feeling
Pain in teeth, lips, cheek, gums, jaw, and under eyes
Often attacks that become intense over time
Spontaneous attack occurrence while touching the face, brushing teeth, and speaking
Facial spasms pain
How can you treat it?
There is no accurate or particular treatment option to stop this issue, but different medicines are available that may overcome its frequent occurrence and give relief from severe pain. Individuals who suffer from this problem may ask to consume painkiller tablets and injections that will decrease the level of pain, such as gabapentin and carbamazepine. It rarely happens when your neurologist may suggest a surgical intervention to stop this problem, such as microvascular decompression (MVD) and rhizotomy surgery. It can give you the longest-lasting rid of trigeminal neuralgia. There is no specific treatment that only deals with this problem, but the combined treatment of nervous system ailments will help stay away from trigeminal neuralgia.
You are always welcome at the Neurolife Brain and Spine Centre to treat your brain, nervous system, spinal cord injuries, and other problems.
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