It is not just about the heart but your overall health
If you look at some of the stats about heart health then it might scare you. Let’s dive into them:
- Heart disease is one of the main reasons for death in women and men.
- Every 20 seconds, someone has a heart attack.
- Every 34 seconds, someone dies due to a heart problem.
- Heart disease takes the lives of more people as compared to other people combined.
Fortunately, Taking suggestions from the ayurvedic doctors in Ludhiana can prove extremely beneficial to you. In this article, we have mentioned a few suggestions which can protect your heart.
You can start by trying 1 or 2, and when you are comfortable just a few more changes in your life. Make sure that you are living a comfortable and healthy life.
How to protect heart health?
- Control the stress levels
As per Ayurveda, to improve heart health, you need to work on your emotional & physical heart. It experiences different emotions from joy to sadness. If you are experiencing stress then it is going to affect your heart. To ensure that is not done, you need to start meditating 2 times a day. By doing so, it will reduce the blood pressure, increase your resistance, and reverse the arterial blockage.
When you will consult the Ayurvedic doctor he will tell you the correct way to nourish the mind and have control over the emotions.
- Focus on the positives
Your emotional and mental well-being needs to be in the best state for heart health. Ayurveda helps to talk about the Ojas, which is necessary to maintain life. Oja is increased by inner strength and poise & maintaining a positive mindset. You need to do those activities which make you feel happy all day long and you need to be content by the end of the day. It is better to listen to soothing and uplifting music & go outside & enjoy the beauty of nature.
- Eat a well-balanced diet
Most importantly, you need to follow a well-balanced diet to promote heart health. Eat the right food so that your heart is working correctly. Making necessary changes in the diet might seem small but it will improve your heart functioning greatly. You need to include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. It is better to talk to your Ayurvedic expert and understand better what changes you need to make in the diet.
- Eat carefully
The way you eat will also impact heart health. You need to eat in moderation so that your heart is benefited. The ideal portion as per Ayurveda is what fits in your 2 cupped palms. Some people skip meals that are impacting not just the heart but overall health. You need to eat regularly and at the same time.