The age of the Internet has given birth to the mystifying and captivating conspiracy theories. Even just hearing the word conspiracy can make people cautiously move away. No doubt, conspiracy does exist in different ways. In this guide, we have mentioned the top five conspiracy theories which you surely need to look at.
Conspiracies exist all over the world. Sometimes it can be in the corporate world to make people buy the product and reduce competition. It can be planning a criminal activity or it can go way beyond that. Let’s know about the top five baffling conspiracy theories:
The 9/11 Conspiracy
The evidence for the 9/11 terrorist attack is quite overwhelming. No doubt, having a close look at the evidence makes it clear that the attack was planned carefully and executed by conspirators. But, the question is who were the conspirators. Apart from Osama Bin Laden and his crew who else was part of this nightmare. Was it President Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney or the attack was held intentionally.
Conspiracy theorists believe that it was an inside job. Many of the technical claims are debunked by simple logic which includes that if the hijacked plane crashed there in Flight 77 and its passengers. So, it is quite difficult to understand how everything was planned.
Big Pharma
Almost everybody hates the drug companies. Not only they cost too much but it also seems that every few months the drugs claim they are safe but then there comes the news of a patient’s death. People do believe that drug companies conspire a lot to keep up with the profit level.
One of the biggest claims made by Kevin Trudeau is that medical establishment and big drug companies hide the important medical information. Well, some drug companies do not want people to know the cure for diseases.
Princess Diana’s Murder
Within hours pr Princess Diana’s death the conspiracies start swirling around. Well, her death was a sudden shock and it was very hard to believe how it happened. As per the conspiracy theories, this accident was an assassination that was done by British intelligence theories.
Protocols of the Elders of Zion
It is a hoaxed book that was published to reveal the Jewish theory on world domination. First, it appeared in 1905 where it described the Chinese health, finances and how a small group of jews will attack it. Although the book is completed discredited due to forgery still its prints are available all over the world.
John F. Kennedy’s Assassination
He was killed in 1963, but who killed him? One of the conspiracies says that Lee Harvey Oswald killed him. Well, there are several other conspiracies also revolving around his death. Was there any other person with Oswald and who gave him the orders? Well, this is quite a complex case so theories will live on for a long time.