New Visa Rules Announced by Australian immigration for foreigners! But Applications remained Close For Following Skilled Nominated Visas (Covid-19)
The Australian government announced a new visa option ‘COVID-19 Pandemic event visa’ available under the subclass 408 for those applicants who cannot depart due to COVID-19. Basically it is a Temporary Work visa holders employed in critical sectors. The main agenda of this pathway is increase a manpower in shortage areas such as healthcare, disability, and aged care, childcare, and agriculture during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Applicant can do with this visa:-
* You can stay in Australia free of cost when there is not another visa and travel option due to Covid-19.
* You have to assist in these departments such as healthcare, disability, and aged care, childcare, and agriculture..
Eligibility to apply:-
candidate must follow these strict rules
1. you have to onshore(go back to your country after the situation when it would be normal).
2. you should have temporary visa 28 days or less remaining on their current visa or where their last substantive visa has expired up to 28 days previously.
Total duration of the event or 4 years
Visa Cost
Processing times
Time is not available in this visa type.
You must
apply online
have a letter of endorsement from the event organizer.
Nominated visas remain closed of applications
As the way the ‘Covid-19 Pandemic event visa’ has benefited a lot of temporary visa holders in Australia, some states of the country like Victoria and NSW have demonstrated the closure of the nominations of the visa subclass 188 and 132, two of the most eminent business migration visa programs in Australia. These two visa types will resume from 1st July 2020, as the immigration offices of Victoria and NSW stated Some of the other places which have stopped the nominations of their visa applications are South Australia, Queensland, and Capital Territory, which have also decided to resume their visa applications onwards 1st July 2020.
Mr Rao Says “This year, however, is different because states are bringing temporary changes to their immigration policies, so it can very well also be because of the current health crisis.”
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease.
Symptoms :-
dry cough
Less common symptoms:
aches and pains
sore throat
loss of taste or smell
rashes on skin or discoloration of fingers/toes