Egg freezing is the phase of Infertility treatment such as IVF, which is additionally known as In-Vitro fertilization. Let’s understand what is egg freezing and some other things about egg freezing.
What is egg freezing?
Egg freezing is the Phase of IVF which is designed to preserve your eggs for further use. This is performed something like as IVF process, in which firstly your surgeon collects the eggs from your ovaries and then freeze and store them for future use.
Why do people need to freeze their eggs?
There are several reasons behind egg freezing such as when couples want to conceive little later in life, people with medical conditions, and ladies who are a cancer patient and going to get cancer treatment named as chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is not only killed the cancer growth cells but also killed the healthy cells which are valuable for a healthy lifestyle or conception. In order to freeze your eggs, you will visit the best IVF centre, because only the best ones know the value of your life and goals.
How age affects the quality and quantity of eggs?
Many people ask this question who are unable to conceive a baby even after many attempts of sexual intercourse. Yes, this is true that you will be unable to produce healthy eggs if you are your 50s or older. Moreover, your age also affects the number of your eggs which may make obstacles in your pathway to pregnancy. Or if you get pregnant then you may experience the miscarriage or premature delivery and birth defects.
How freezing is useful for overage people?
Yes, egg freezing is too useful to people who are their 50s or 60s. You can conceive with the help of frozen eggs if you want to conceive at an older age without any problem. But it may take more time as compared to normal persons or people who get this treatment in early life.
How the Egg freezing process is done?
Egg freezing process is done in the clinical lab under the observation of your surgeon. Firstly, your surgeon will give you medicines in order to stimulate your ovaries so that you can produce healthy eggs. And then the eff retrieval process is performed in the clinical lab. After collection, your surgeon examines the quality of eggs and then freeze or store them in a tube for future use. In order to perform all these processes, you may need to visit doctor 5-6 times.
Is there any particular age in order to freeze the eggs?
Yes, you can preserve your fertility at the age of 30s because in older age you are unable to produce healthy eggs. If you preserve your fertility or eggs at an early age then you should conceive a baby easily even at old age. Moreover, you can also preserve eggs at your 40s but you are unable to produce healthy eggs at that age, which may decrease your odds of pregnancy. You should converse this with a doctor first because he needs to examine you and only then he will tell you about the entire process.