Dairy industry is a major part of India’s economy. In this guide, we will discuss the challenges and opportunities the dairy industry will face so that they can get better.
In India, the dairy industry plays an essential part. India is the world’s largest milk production as it is responsible for 13% of total milk production. Moreover, dairy products are consumed in a large amount. The dairy products are cheap as well as full of nutrients.
Moreover, it has been considered as a source of employment especially in the rural area. The three-fourth population of India lives in the rural area and around 38% of them are poor. So, with progress in this sector helps to make the rural economy more developed and balanced.
Rule and methods
The total amount of milk which is produced keeps on increasing every year. Basically, it happened because of the tremendous changes in the dairy farming policy. As the dairy farming policy got successful so Government has now made dairy processing policy for the milk and milk products to get better. With this, the government has also imposed restrictions so that the domestic dairy market can be protected.
Processing of Milk
You will be surprised to know this the milk processing industry is small in comparison to milk produced. Around 10% of milk is delivered to around 400 dairy plants. The milkmen collect milk from vendors and sell it in urban and non-urban areas which are around 70% of national milk production.
Consumption on Domestic Level
The milk which is produced in India is consumed by almost the entire population of India. The increase in these numbers is what helping the dairy industry to grow more on a large scale and to produce various types of dairy products.
A major concern in the Dairy industry
- It is very essential that we develop our infrastructure of Production, processing, and marketing which can withstand according to the international quality requirement. A proper strategy should be developed so that dairy products can be made with the best quality.
- The cost of production should be reduced because there are many developing countries in which the demand for dairy products is gradually increasing. The milk production cost can be reduced by increasing the animal’s productivity, better breeding facilities, and health care facility.
- With Trade liberalization, exporting products of lower value and importing the value-added items can help to form a range of developed product. So it is essential that the dairy industry to prepare itself accordingly so that they can meet the increase in demand.
- The focus should also be given on milk produced by buffalo as it will make India who has also a large proportion of buffalo milk. It means the focus should be shifted towards buffalo milk products such as Mozzarella cheese. This way your business can target a specific set of customers.
Additionally, make sure the equipment and machines you use our latest and up to date. This will definitely make a lot of difference because the products will be of best-quality and they will be produced in very less time also. At Nk dairy, you can get the best dairy equipment and dairy machinery i.e. Paneer Plant, Milk Plant, Milk pasteurizer plant to set up your dairy plant or even if you are looking to expand your business on a large scale.